Our phones are meant to be addicting to us

3 mins read

Generally, it can be seen that if phones users forget their phone at home, then they wonder what they would do without it outside. Apart from its utilities, people unknowingly start feeling uncomfortable in the absence of mobile phones. Many researchers conducted around the world show that if someone continuously uses smartphones, they may suffer from the disease ‘Nomophobia’. The number of victims of this disease is increasing. According to experts, parents are unaware of this danger and they should start thinking seriously about the future and health of their children. Parents probably do not realize that mobile phone addiction can cause serious physical problems to their children.

What is nomophobia?

Smartphone addiction is called nomophobia. This is a phobia (fear) that you might lose your phone or you might have to live without it. A person suffering from this disease is called ‘nomophobia’. In a worldwide survey, 84 percent of smartphone users admitted that they cannot live without their phones even for a day. This addiction of smartphone i.e., nomophobia affects our body as well as our mental health.

Computer vision syndrome

A survey by the Vision Council of America found that 70 percent of people squint their eyes while looking at the mobile screen. This symptom can later turn into Computer Vision Syndrome disease. In which the victim faces the problem of dry eyes and blurred vision.

Effect on spinal cord

According to the United Chiropractic Association, constant phone use causes slouching in the shoulders and neck. Due to bent neck, the spinal cord starts getting affected.

Effect on lungs

Due to bent neck, the body faces problem in taking full or deep breaths. It has a direct effect on the lungs.

Text neck

Complaints of neck pain have become common among people who keep their eyes fixed on mobile screens. It has been name ‘text neck’. This problem is more common in those who constantly send text messages and do web browsing.

Kidneys may fail

75 percent of people take their cell phones to the bathroom, increasing the risk of E-coli bacteria being found on 1 in every 6 phones. Due to these bacteria, there is a possibility of diarrhoea and kidney failure.

Mobile took away sleep

Continuous exposure of mobile phone light to the face for two hours reduces melatonin by 22 percent. This makes it difficult to sleep. This means that looking at mobile for a long time can cause problem of sleeplessness.

Smartphone is reducing confidence

In the survey, 41 percent people admitted that to avoid looking foolish in front of someone, they pretend to be busy with their mobile. By doing this their self-confidence decreases.

Worry increased due to smartphone

In a survey, 45 percent of smartphone using consumers admit that they are worry that they might lose their phone.

Some special tips to get rid of mobile addiction

  • First of all, learn to control yourself. Try to distance yourself from smartphones or other electronic devices
  • You spend most of your time with family or friends. This will keep you away from mobile for some time.
  • Use the phone when needed. Otherwise avoid using the phone as much as possible
  • Instead of being online the whole day, be online only when needed for work.
  • Go for a walk or do something you enjoy.


How long do you use your phone or tablet? This app will show you daily data on the screen. How many minutes did you spend on the phone, how many times did you pick up the phone, did you use the phone for a limited period of time or excessively? This app will give you all this information. You can also set a limit in it, after which if you exceed the limit of phone usage, it will update you through a warning.

Off time

Many times, while using a smartphone, you might feel that I wish the phone’s data remained on and these features did not ‘bother’ me for some time. If you search for a solution without any app, you will get the answer, turn off your data. But this app can keep you ‘away’ from your chosen app without turning off the data. Through this, you can get rid of those apps which are affecting your productivity or interfering excessively in your daily life.

Screen Time Control

Although Screen Time Control can also be called ‘Parental Control App‘, but if you are a parent yourself, then you can keep yourself under control through it. How much phone was use throughout the day and which messages on WhatsApp are you most active about? This app will also take into account such aspects and will tell you. The interface of the app is artistic and you can turn the control options on and off as per your convenience. Even if you are using a password, this app will recognize your activities and present statistics.

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